Secure your legacy with Free Wills Month in March 2024

We’re delighted to be participating in Free Wills Month in March 2024, an initiative dedicated to individuals aged 55 and over. This service provides a vital opportunity for eligible persons to have a simple will professionally written or updated at no cost, ensuring their final wishes are accurately and legally documented.

Benefits of participating

  • Guaranteed peace of mind: Secure your future and ensure that your final wishes are clearly documented, bringing certainty and peace of mind to you and your loved ones.
  • Support charitable causes: Free Wills Month provides a significant opportunity to leave a legacy to the charities close to your heart, making a lasting impact on the world.

Blue Cross

  • Access to professional legal guidance: Our experts will offer their expertise, ensuring that your will is both comprehensive and legally binding, accurately reflecting your wishes.

It’s important to note that for couples interested in creating mirror wills, it is sufficient if just one partner has reached the age of 55. This consideration aims to facilitate the process for partners wishing to make reciprocal arrangements regarding their estates.

We have a limited number of appointments available, so if you’re interested in taking advantage of Free Wills Month, get in touch as soon as possible.

To enquire about our free will month service, contact our Wills & Probate team on 0808 256 2917 or email [email protected].